WordPress Plugin

Meet the Workado WordPress Plugin

We’ve built a monster all-in-one WordPress plugin exclusively for our clients that tracks rankings you are losing, post guidelines and tasks for content creators, automatically interlinks content, allows you to import content from Word or Google Docs, automates social media post creation and scheduling and is a full blown content calendar! 

WordPress plugin for content marketers
content marketing wordpress plugin

Content Marketing Dream

Fix Your
Existing Content

Which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unortho graphic

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See which pages are losing rankings

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Automatically link to old posts using keywords

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See what keywords each post ranks for

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Learn which posts are loading slowly

Social Media Automation

Create Social Media Posts

The Workado plugin automatically generates relevant social media posts using your existing content and builds a post schedule for your to edit and approve. 

The plugin works for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Medium.

social media wordpress plugin